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Hybrid Theory [12]


Главная » Статьи » Hybrid Theory

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real 

ThereТs something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
Controlling I canТt seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
[Without a sense of confidence IТm convinced
there’s just too much pressure to take]
IТve felt this way before
So insecure 


Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
ItТs haunting how I canТt seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
[Without a sense of confidence IТm convinced
there’s just too much pressure to take]
IТve felt this way before
So insecure… 

Chorus (repeat until end) 

ThereТs something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
Controlling (whispered during chorus)

Категория: Hybrid Theory | Добавил: linkinparkfans (17.03.2009)
Просмотров: 730 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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